Saturday, August 29, 2020

ZVOX Voice-Clarifying Sound Bar


Old sound bar.


New sound bar.


Preliminary report.  The new sound bar doesn't sound as full as the previous system.  Race cars don't sound as throaty, in fact it's kind of tinny, but we can understand what the announcers are saying, even though they're talking in British!  We watched an entire episode of Elementary without once saying "huh?".  We even made it through an episode of Poirot and understood what happened at the end!  (British with a Belgian/French accent.)  Promising.


Several days later update:  Beyond promising, in fact.  I turn the sound bar to the highest voice setting (which is the tinniest sound), set the sound just as loud as it needs to be (which is not as loud as before), then add some normal sound from the television on top of that for a fuller sound, but not enough to distract from the voice-clarifying of the sound bar.  If we get stuck on a word or phrase, which is not nearly as often as it used to be, we can mute the TV sound and play the scene back with just the clarity of the new sound bar.  Brilliant!  We're declaring this purchase a roaring success!  Just the invention we needed!





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