Sunday, August 30, 2020

I miss this



We never drizzled lemon sauce on it like in the advertisement.  We just ate it right from the wrapper, as the text says.  In fact, the part of the cake that stuck to the thin piece of cardboard it was sitting on; a person could scrape that off by dragging their teeth across it.  A Coke and a Boston Pie; as much flavor, and as many food groups, as a kid in the fifties needed.  Hostess cupcakes continued on, but we haven't encountered a Boston Pie since.


We remember the flavors from our youth.  The most notable ones for me are hot pastrami sandwiches and Boston Pies.  It requires a trip to Angelo's in Oceanside California, but I can still get something very close to the hot pastrami sandwiches I remember.  The bread is different now, and not quite as good, but the pastrami flavor is the same.  The Boston Pies are unattainable.  Long gone.




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