Sunday, July 5, 2020

What the


We're cruising along, safe in The Valley.  Hardly anybody else in the country even knows we're down here.  Sheltering in place for the pandemic, but no real problem, just a few hundred cases.


Lately though, we've been hearing more about it.  And yesterday, we get a reverse 911 Emergency Public Safety Alert on our telephones, like when there is a child abduction or severe weather coming.


Hospitals are at capacity!  They're already shipping sick people to other parts of Texas because there is nowhere left to put them here.  Soon the rest of Texas might be full as well.  Houston already is.  It was risky to go out before.  We're even less likely to go anywhere now.



Meanwhile, a smokin hot fourth of July! 



We'll enjoy it from our air conditioning.  Enjoy safely everybody!



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