Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Honest, we didn’t really mean to ride out a hurricane


Not even just a Category 1 hurricane.


We saw a system developing in the gulf.  A storm.  It was just a tropical storm wandering around out there.  No big deal.  All of a sudden, Saturday morning, just as the storm is about to make landfall.  Boom!  It’s a hurricane!  And it was still a hurricane when it crossed over us!  There were no hurricane warnings; no evacuation orders.  We have the motorhome.  It would have been easy enough to evacuate with a little more warning, and if we’d have wanted to.  We need more than one day of warning though.  The only thing we can do from here in a day is drive north, still in the path of the oncoming storm.


The rain has stopped.  The electricity stayed on, mostly, but it seems to be solid again now.  The television is back on.  The water is back on properly.  The internet is iffy.  Judy has been doing a lot of yard work getting everything picked up.  Oops, it’s raining again.


A walk around the park yesterday:


There is exterior fencing down on every exposure.



Lots of siding and skirting blown off.



The flooding wasn’t nearly as bad as it has been in the past.  It’s mostly just wet and receding, so the drainage improvements inside and outside the park are working.


There used to be a large attached carport here that ran the length of the trailer.


Now it’s here two houses away.  And another section of fence gone.


The winter population has moved on, but there are still a few people here in their RVs for the summer.  That must have been a rougher ride than we had Saturday night.  RVs are not strapped down to the ground like we are.



There used to be an attached car port here too, in front of the screen room, but it’s gone.  It didn’t crash into anyone else’s house, it just hasn’t been seen since.  Maybe it’s still going.


The great news is that we’re talking about property damage; no injuries or loss of life that we’re aware of.  Having a hurricane was not what we expected to do, but it’s another adventure to add to the life-list.  I’m thinking that not a lot of people get to stand outside in the middle of the night, during a pandemic, in the eye of a hurricane, naked!  Well, not that many people outside of our park anyway.  :)




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