Monday, July 20, 2020

Did you ever wonder if F1 cars have cruise control?




F1 cars scream around the track at speeds in excess of 300kph.  When they hit the pit road though, there is a speed limit.  I think it's always 80kph during a race.  The penalty for exceeding the pit lane speed limit is steep; a stop-go penalty; essentially an extra pit stop.  In a race where milliseconds count, you don't want to get a speeding penalty, but you wouldn't want to be rolling down the pit lane at 79kph while your opponent could be going 80 either.  So I googled it.  Yup.  There is a speed limiter button on the steering wheel.  Punch that button and hit the brakes before you get to the pit lane speed line and cruise down pit road painfully slowly, but at the maximum allowable speed.



Knee update.  We took Judy's knee out for a socially-distanced two-mile walk at Estero Llano Grande State Park today.  Two miles, no immediate pain.




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