Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Death gets a bad rap


We justify all sorts of things by how many lives they each save; as if that’s a good thing.  We eliminate smallpox and save a million lives.  We improve treatment for heart disease; another million saved.  We improve safety standards and 250,000 less people die in car crashes.  C’mon people.  We’re all designed to die.  We want to keep on living, but we can’t extend life indefinitely.  If we all just keep on living, we’ll continue cluttering up the planet and *really* screw it up.


We have to let go of important things in our lives.  We have to leave special times; special places.  We have to let our kids go when it’s time for them to move on; we have to watch loved ones go when their time is up.


We don’t really have a choice in this.  Sooner or later, it’s going to be our time.  If we’re fortunate enough to get to that point where we recognize it’s the end, our final challenge is to let go of our own lives when it’s time; even if it doesn’t *feel* like time.



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