Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Engage 2024



The conference I’m attending is in Las Vegas, on Pacific Time.  That makes for relaxed morning coffees with Judy.  I start 7:00am classes at 9:00!  That leaves me working a little late in the evening though.  They think they’re ending at 5:30.  Today we talked about the Private Equity Boom; non-CPA aggregators buying up individual CPA firms.  Unlocking the power of non-accountants, review analytics, Bitcoin, accountability for remote workers, and the Modern Audit.  Grandson Tony got a job at Amazon in Seattle.  He’s already there, settled in and working.  Yay, Tony.  We don’t really know what he’s doing yet.  Software engineer maybe.  That description is pretty general though.  We’re looking forward to the next time we get together with him and hear all about it.  His mom and dad are driving his car out there to him later this week.  He’s not far from Christie and Andy who will be convenient for family support and a home-cooked meal.  The brand of Judy’s new hearing aids is ReSound, same as the last ones she had.  Before that they were Oticon.  Our van got built in Kansas City.  Now it’s in Houston, on its way to us eventually.  Quote of the day: “A dream without a plan is a wish.”


Bonus quote:  “Skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it has been.”  Wayne Gretzky.



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