Friday, August 18, 2023

I had a disturbing dream



Disturbing and interesting.


I’m with another guy, but I don’t know him.  We were walking through a shabby part of town; what town I have no idea.  We were stopping and looking at stuff in thrift stores.  At one particular store, I was looking the other way when I heard the shopkeeper say “So this is how it’s going to be.”  I didn’t understand what he meant.  I turned and looked to see that the three of us were aligned in a straight line, him in the middle with a table of stuff between him and me, and the other guy behind him.  The shopkeeper said “So which of you is it going to be?”  I still didn’t understand.  Then the other guy began the assault.  Up to that point, I had no idea what was going to happen.  I was surprised and shaken by the violence.  That dream was disturbing.  I’m not trying to analyze it.  I don’t think dreams, especially bad dreams, really mean anything, they just are.  I wouldn’t even be describing this dream, except that I need it to set the scene for the interesting part.


The interesting part, and what struck me right away, even while I was still dreaming, was that the shopkeeper figured it out so fast.  This was a dream coming from my head and he figured out what was going to happen way before I did.  I’m dreaming him.  He should only know what I know.  How could he know before I did, and not just by a little, not just a moment, not a split second, but by a lot?  He saw it coming and I never did.




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