Saturday, October 8, 2022

Listening devices



We’ve tried turning the television volume up to “way too loud”, and bought sound bars enhanced for dialog.  It can still be hard to follow all the speech on television though, ranging from “doesn’t matter” like football games, to “impossible” for British programs.  I’m okay with normal programs, but it’s a little harder for Judy.  We have a couple wireless Bose headsets that help a lot, but still not quite enough for Judy when characters are speaking in British.


Judy’s latest hearing aids however, have a cool feature.  They can be set to Bluetooth the television sound right into the hearing aids.  That works!  Clear and understandable.  The only drawback is that if the sound is beaming right into Judy’s head, and still audible from the television, there is a slight lag which makes the sound unintelligible for her again.  If she is watching television by herself, no problem.  If I’m in the room too, I don’t hear anything.  Except, we still have the Bose headsets.  Turning down the sound in the room for the television doesn’t affect the sound in the headset, so Judy tunes the sound to her hearing aids (controlling them with an app on her smartphone), we turn off the sound in the room from the television, and I put on the headset.  Now we get to watch our new favorite British crime program, New Tricks, and understand every word. 


(If you were going to ask, our British discovery is a lot like the old series of “The Closer”, or “Major Crimes” solving crimes.  Nice ensemble.  A collection of characters we always enjoy dropping in on, and bonus, it goes on for 12 seasons!)



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