Tuesday, January 1, 2019

This amazes me every time


The motorhome is all closed up for driving.  It’s a little tight, but we can get to everything we need during the day.

 We get to where we’re going.  I push a couple buttons and open up the slides.

There is so much room!  That is so cool.  I never get used to it.

 We’re in San Antonio.

 2018 Arizona Trip Map

 The cold weather is chasing us east and south.

 We’re not going to make any progress on the Fairbanks miles until we leave on the Alaska trip next May.  Continuing education hours; maybe no progress for a while.  Bird species, we got to go to the bird blinds at South Llano River State Park this morning.  It was 34 degrees; too cold to stay out for very long, but we saw a few birds and got two really good ones: the fox sparrow and white-throated sparrow.  We can go all year without seeing either of those, so this is a wonderful start.  Only 472 species to go!  (And we’ve still got 364 days to do it.)

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