Tuesday, May 21, 2024

I’ve been thinking



…about science.


I like how scientists approach knowledge.  The scientific method:

Observe what’s going on.

Ask questions.

Think up an explanation.

Use that explanation to make a prediction.

Test the prediction with an experiment.

Use what you learn to guide further investigation.


The first guess about why something is like it is, isn’t always right.  The guess might look right but keep trying to disprove it.  Share what you think you’ve learned.  Let everyone else try to prove or disprove it.  It has to stand up to challenge.  It has to be reproducible.  If no one can disprove it, it might really be true!  If something has seemed right for a long time, but new information comes into play that challenges what we’ve always thought, determine if the old idea needs to be adjusted or replaced.  The results of your effort don’t have to fit your preference.  The answer might inflame emotions or might be boring.  It doesn’t matter.  All that matters is that the results hold up to scrutiny and be open to modification if appropriate, so that the entire catalog of knowledge on which we base our decisions, and further explanations, is as true as possible.  Not perfection, but our best honest continuing effort.



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