Monday, April 13, 2020

Captain’s log


Star date 2020.0412


This pandemic emergency lockdown is turning into a haircut emergency.  There is a lot more hair in this house than we really need and no relief in sight!


Judy got out for a walk in our park today, for the second day in a row.  Yesterday she walked around the smallest block.  Today we circumnavigated the entire park, slow and easy, focusing on heel to toe natural motion on both sides of the body.  She maintained a normal gate, no limping for almost the entire way (over half a mile).  That’s darned close to back to normal!


We took the census last week.  Five minutes online and it was done.  No problem.  No drama.  No arguments about uncounted or double counted.  It’s a very important survey, only done once a decade, but we trust online participation with follow-up visits, when necessary, to get it done.  Now, if only we could figure out a way to vote safely, free from coronavirus exposure and long lines, in the remaining primaries or in November.  What possible model that has already been proven could we consider?  (Hint: online with mail-in ballots as backup.)  After two hundred years we still haven’t come up with a reasonable way to collect and count votes.  Heck, we still haven’t come to agreement that every person should be allowed to vote even though voting is addressed five times in our (beloved) (but in this case ignored) Constitution!



And another thought about the lockdown.  Why lockdown people who have already had the virus?  They (presumably) can’t catch it.  They (presumably) can’t spread it.  Hand them a “been there done that” badge and turn them loose to go back to work.  Then get that antibody test going.  Anybody that tests positive for the antibodies gets a badge.  How many people have had the virus, have gotten over it, and don’t even know it?  We don’t know without testing people that aren’t sick!  Test us and set us free!


And you know what else?  All four Taylor brothers are in the same time zone right now except me.


Judy thinks she’s catching a cold.  I’m skeptical.  We haven’t exposed ourselves to anyone other than each other and I don’t have one.  Maybe she’s catching my springtime hay fever.  I do have that!


It’s still 88 degrees here tonight.


Captain out.




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