Sunday, August 27, 2017

We sent out this picture of the motorhome and Jeep


It makes the Jeep look pretty small.


So I took a picture from this angle for a better perspective.


Now the Jeep looks almost as big as the motorhome.


I’m reminded of freight trains along the highway.  They don’t put all the engines up front, they use distributed power.  Imagine topping a hill with a 100 car train and maybe five engines altogether.  On the way down the other side, the front engines will actually be holding back the momentum on the cars behind.  Meanwhile, the engines at the back are still pushing the second half of the train uphill.  If we fired up the Jeep and redesigned the tow gear to tolerate compression stresses, we could do the same thing with our setup!


We’re at St Vrain State Park for a few days.


2017 Summer Trip Map


Dinner with Becky and family!


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