Monday, June 3, 2013

The good news is...


….I woke up from the surgery.



The urologist emerged unscathed.  The kidney stone didn’t.  The stone is no more.  I don’t know that all the cub scouts have been accounted for.


The stone didn’t go away without a battle.  It has been in my ureter since January and has been jammed in place for 2 months straight; for the first month just by being in a place it couldn’t get past, then for the next month, by being anchored firmly by the stent.  When the stone blew up, parts were left imbedded in the ureter.  Those remaining stone parts had to be dug out of the ureter wall.


We did what we didn’t mean to do though.  We pissed off the ureter.  If we had left the Hulk in that mood, it would have tied me in a knot by now, so guess what…..  I have a stent in my ureter to preserve function until things calm down!  Normally this would only be a three day issue.  In my case however, the stent will stay for ten days; for a little extra recovery time.  I’m special (or at least my kidney stone and ureter are).


I woke up in the recovery room unusually cranky; but I’m over it now.  Now I’m a happy guy.  I’m not perfectly comfortable and there is still more to accomplish before this exercise is over, but the urologist reports no permanent damage.  All-in-all, this whole experience is a giant pain; but it’s only that.  Pain.  There are worse things than that.


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