Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Judy has rocks in her head


That’s what the doctor said.  She has been dizzy lately; dizzy enough we took her to the doctor today.  Here’s the deal:


Part of our inner-ears are devoted to hearing, but the other part is devoted to balance.  In the balance part, we have little stones/crystals.  When our heads tilt, the crystals shift, telling us that we just had a change of attitude.  If some of those little rocks get dislodged from the pile they belong in, and wander out into the inner-ear canals, it short-circuits our balance.  Judy’s rocks got dislodged.


There is an interesting treatment for inner-ear balance issues.  Remember those maze games where you tilt the entire board back and forth to rout the ball through to the end?  To re-boot our balance center, they figure out which ear has the problem then go through a sequence of timed head and torso tilts that will rout any wandering stones back to the chamber they belong in.


After the doctor visit on Padre Island, we went to physical therapy in Corpus and got all of Judy’s parts back in place.  The complete treatment will probably require more trips to the physical therapist, but she feels much better already.



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