Saturday, October 22, 2011

While at the doctor's office this year


We got to fill out a new form.  It asks what race we are.  It’s a multiple choice question.  Some of the possible answers are obvious.  White, black.  Okay.  White.  Some are a little trickier.  Caucasian.  What?  I already said okay to White.  Now I have to choose between White and Caucasian?  I expressed my concern to the nurse taking the survey.  She said “what about me?  I looked at her and declared she was really really white, so I must be caucasian.  She said “No.  What do I put for my child?  I’m white and her father is black.”


I was thrilled.  Finally, here is a person who can answer my question.  I asked it.  “Why is President Obama Black?”  He has a black father, a white mother.  Why is 50% black black?  Why isn’t 50% white white?


I was disappointed.  She didn’t know the answer.  She says she thinks her daughter is a nice mixture.  Her daughter’s father thinks she’s black.


What box is she going to check for her daughter?  All of them.  Why is President Obama black?  I don’t know.



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