Thursday, October 27, 2011

Saving the snakes


We spotted a little snake in the yard.  He wasn’t very big, but he was a rattler so we had to get rid of him.  We have a big metal fence behind our house, so all we had to do was get the snake on the other side of the fence.  This was the same day all the guys were here to dig out the grass for the cement pour.  Judy asked one of the guys with a shovel to help.  She said: “We don’t need to kill him, just pick him up with the shovel and throw him over the fence.”  There was something of a language barrier, but Judy gestured a big throwing motion with an imaginary shovel.  The guy with the shovel nodded and said he understood.  He walked around back to the snake and very carefully.,….cut off the snake’s head with the shovel, then scooped up the body and flung it over the fence, just like Judy had demonstrated.


We appreciated his help, even though we didn’t connect on that one subtle point.



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