A new place for this trip anyway. Crystal Lake RV Resort in Naples, over on the Gulf side of the peninsula. We haven’t been here since the last time we were in Florida, 5 or 6 years ago. We like it. It’s a nice place to be.

On the way here, we met up with a dish repair guy north of Miami, in Hollywood, to finish up a repair on our television dish. The television dish is fairly new. We got it last January, so it’s pretty soon for something to go wrong. It has been out of commission for a couple weeks though; ever since the chain that controls the elevation broke. The chain was rusted clear through; the result of only one winter on the beach in Texas. They have beaches here in Florida too, but the guy here had never seen anything like this. Must be that persistent Texas wind.
We have never seen anything like the drivers around Miami either. They’ve been watching too much television here; too much Miami Vice and NASCAR, resulting in too many adrenaline moments for us. The most extreme move was passing us at 100 mph Talladega Style, then going three wide on a two lane stretch of Freeway. That’s just not right.
We’re glad to get out of there alive. We’re glad to have Annie back. We’re glad to have the television dish back. We hope to have the rear air-conditioner back after the mobile repair guy comes tomorrow. We’re getting by on one air-conditioner in the middle of a South Florida heat wave. This afternoon we got 95 degrees.
On our way here we passed a Boatswagen driving down the highway.
Life on the road.
8,395 miles.
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