Monday, May 9, 2005


Drove Sunday. Stopped in a forest. Llano River State Park. Had a couple
hours to bird. Can you believe there were more new birds for us to see
there? First off, the purple martins were in the purple martin house.
We've seen them before, in Colorado, from a distance. The sighting was so
weak, we didn't even count it. So, finally, we get to the purple martin
condo that is actually full of purple martins, not house sparrows. That was
worth watching. Checked out the bird blind. Painted buntings around the
feeder like flies. Field sparrow. Clay-colorado sparrow. Nashville
warbler. Yellow breasted chat. Bronzed cowbird. Got a red-shouldered hawk
on a post. An axis deer walked out into a clearing trailed by a line of
wild turkeys. It was like a line of baby ducks following mom. Until they
got out in the open and split up. Scarlet tanager. A vermilion flycatcher
spent hours in our campsite catching bugs and feeding his kid.