Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Unhappy spider plants



And a frozen fountain.


The thermometer hit 25 degrees last night.  A hard freeze.  We woke to no running water inside.  As the weather warmed to freezing, the water flow returned.  Another low of 25 degrees is expected tonight.  The above-ground loop of water pipe outside now has a comfy warm blanket on it, and we will leave a faucet dripping inside the house tonight. 


We drove to McAllen and checked on the motorhome today.  It's sitting there, furnace running, temperature inside right at 50 degrees, just as we set it.  It's our backup plan if things happen to go south at the house.


When we came back home from the bus, our water was working at the house, but it has been off and on as people have been repairing pipes.  The entire state of Texas was below freezing last night.  I don't think that has ever happened before.  This sub-freezing weather is expected on and off throughout the week before suddenly bouncing out of it with a high of 70 on Saturday.


Oops.  The water is still on but the electricity just went off.  Rolling blackout perhaps.  Never seen that before.  The computer is still working because it's a laptop (battery power) and we have a battery powered jetpack for internet.  Better send this out while we still have battery life left.  Life's an adventure isn't it.




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