Tuesday, September 17, 2019

I’ve been thinking


You know I have this theory about the weather.  Most people think we have to put warm clothes on in the fall because the weather is getting colder.  My theory is that it actually works just opposite; the weather gets colder in response to everyone putting on warmer clothes.  That’s why I don’t dress for the weather, I dress for what I want the weather to be.  I want warm weather; I wear shorts!  If everyone would do this, we’d all get the weather we want.  I know I’m right because when I resist what everyone else is doing and dress for what I want, it might take a while to have the desired effect, sometimes it even takes all winter, but sooner or later it always works.




We’ve left the street in front of Christie and Andy for an RV Park in Everett.


Back to Washington State part of the trip map


This park is very close to a couple facilities we need along the way.  Got an oil change and an air-line fixed today.  Chuck’s Chevron Service Center.  They did a super job.  Thursday, an annual service on the hydrohot.




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