Friday, October 19, 2018

We don’t live in a democracy


We live in a representative democracy.  We the citizens don't legislate directly, we elect politicians to legislate for us.  We don't vote on every issue, we just vote once every two years to elect the people who will vote for us.  Except when we don't.


Only about 60% of eligible voters vote during presidential election years.  Only 40% vote during midterm elections.  When on average of only 50% of voters vote, we're not getting the will of the people, we're getting the will of only the most agitated.  I don't think that's how the process is supposed to work.


And with this low a voter turnout; if on average only half the eligible voters vote, what's with these voter I.D./suppression initiatives that keep popping up?  With those, we're way more likely to discourage or turn away an eligible voter than to prevent a fraudster from voting.  I don't think that's how the system is supposed to work either.


How could we find our way to "Of the people, for the people, and by the people", instead of "by the most alarmed"?  How could we get more people to vote; get more people motivated?  Elections are turned by small differences in small precincts that all add up to making a very big difference.



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