Friday, December 26, 2014

I was reading randomly


It was an article about resumes.  You don’t put your age in a resume, but the teller of this tale pointed out that when writing, you can date yourself with how you type; how spacings appear in what you wrote.  People that grew up with typewriters put two spaces after a period.  They end a sentence with a period, type two spaces, then start the next sentence.


People that grew up with computers never had to learn to type two spaces.  You just type a space after the period and the word processor takes care of the spacing for you.


I never would have even thought of that, and there may be youngsters that never considered that you would need to do anything special at the end of a sentence besides put in a space.


So I decided to test the theory.  I typed identical (nonsense) sentences in Microsoft Word using first one then two spaces after each period:


This is a test to see if we. Need to type two spaces. At the end of each sentence.


This is a test to see if we.  Need to type two spaces.  At the end of each sentence.


They display differently.  They print almost the same but I can still see the difference.  I like two spaces better.


I’m left to wonder if there is any truth to what the article writer claimed.  I know all the older people out there put two spaces after the end of a sentence, but are there any youngsters who only use one?



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