Sunday, June 15, 2014

It's Father's Day


I get to do whatever I want.


Even if what I want to do is not the smartest thing to do.


This morning I walked a trail I hadn’t been on before.  It’s in a wildlife refuge I’ve been to before, just not from this access point.  It wasn’t actually much of a trail; it was a lot like a bushwhack.  Years ago, before there was a wildlife refuge here, this was a dirt road but now the grass and brush have reclaimed it.  In the knee high grass there are stickers.  I could have turned around to walk somewhere else without stickers, but I wanted to walk that trail.  There are a lot less stickers there now than there were when I started though, considering how many I brought home in my shoes and socks.




Judy had an immediate solution for the socks.


The shoes took a little longer to take care of, but together, each with tweezers, we got all the burrs out in about 20 minutes.


Sure glad it’s Father’s Day.


And today is Henry’s birthday as well.  He’s 4 years old already.  Happy Birthday Henry!





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