Sunday, March 25, 2012

I decided


I decided to walk every road and marked trail in Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge.  There is a 7 mile loop road through the 2,000 acre park, but no cars or bicycles are allowed.  From turnouts along the road, trails criss-cross the entire park.  I read that there have been 400 species of birds reported, and 260 species of butterflies.  It is an interesting place to walk.  On successive Saturdays, I’ve walked 21 miles of it.  It will still take another Saturday or two to complete my self-appointed task.


Today was a lay-up day.  We slept in, had coffee on the deck, visited with friends, then spent the afternoon cheering Tiger on to win his first major golf tournament in several years.  We laid-up.


Grandson Tony landed in Milan, went to Verona the scene of Romeo and Juliet, and on to Jesolo.  The next day they toured Venice.  No cars or scooters allowed; Venice is for pedestrians and boats!  Four kids got busted for violating the alcohol rules and were sent home.  As far as we know, Tony is continuing with the tour.


Late afternoon found us back out on the porch as neighbors stopped by with their small dogs to play with our small dogs.  It was comfortable weather with temperatures in the 70s that lasted well into the evening.  It was quite the impromptu visit.


It might be time to take Henry to the groomer to see if they can find his face.




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