Saturday, July 16, 2011

Motorhome update


The engine is done.  Reinstallation has begun.


There is a catch though.  Way back at the start of this, there was some tow-damage.  A few things got squashed and bounced.  A piece of fiberglass in the front got torn.  No big deal.  Nothing that can’t be fixed.  But one more thing has come to light that we haven’t been anticipating.  There is a delay between when the paint work is done and when the plastic rock-chip barrier that goes on top of everything can be reapplied.  Can’t put it there until the paint has had a chance to cure.  So once the engine work is done, the coach goes to the body shop.  Once the body work is done, the paint has to dry for two weeks before the plastic bra can be put back on the front.  We’ve been counting down to an approximate date when we will get our house back.  That date, whatever it is, just got extended two weeks.



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