Sunday, November 7, 2010

A survey


Remember when we were kids, and the only clocks in the house were clocks or watches?  Now, there are too many clocks to keep track of.  If something is digital, they put a clock in it even if it doesn’t need a clock.  It must not cost anything at all to just add a clock.  Our Indoor/Outdoor thermometer has a clock!


We should know how many clocks we have, since we travel across all the time zones, plus change from Standard Time to Daylight Savings time and back.  Sometimes we change time zones and daylight savings time the same day and get really confused.  We should know how many clocks we have, but we don’t.  We keep discovering more.  When we’re just moving from one time zone to another, we usually only change a few clocks and don’t worry about the rest.  In a few days or a few weeks we’d just have to change them again anyway.


This year, losing daylight savings time, we’re going to try to find all the clocks and change them.  I’ll list the ones I can think of:


1        Dashboard radio clock

2        Aladdin clock (the digital controller for motorhome systems)

3        System Control panel (for the generator and inverter)

4        Front room table clock

5        Microwave clock

6        Coffee pot clock

7        Two cell phone clocks

9        Digital voice recorder (for recording bird sightings) clock

10      Indoor/Outdoor thermometer

11       Itouch

12      Ipad

13      Three laptop computers

16      Bedroom alarm clock

17      Wristwatch (in a drawer somewhere)

18      Printer

19      Two cameras

21      Land-line telephone

22      Television clock

23      Landscape lighting clock

24      Landscape sprinkler clock

25      Jeep radio clock


A few of these clocks don’t have to be changed.  They just change themselves.  Now I’m offended by the ones that don’t.


How many clocks do you have in your house?  Do you even know?



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