Thursday, September 25, 2008


Millions of people were seduced into buying homes they couldn’t really afford. Now millions of foreclosures, millions of families being displaced, and the personal financial tragedies do not constitute a crisis. No government help to save them. It’s the free-market economy at work. They shouldn’t have bought homes they couldn’t afford.

Now the companies that behaved so irresponsibly as to create the problem are in trouble, and they are so big that the economy will get wrecked if they go under. Now we have a financial crisis the government has to deal with.

Things go bad and individuals pay the price. The largest corporations in the country behave irresponsibly, make untold amounts of money, things go bad, and they get bailed out by the government (which happens to be a collection of the same individuals that just got burned). We blame the victims and bail out the perpetrators at the expense of the victims again?

It can’t really be this circular, can it?