Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Silver city

We watch the progress of Hurricane Rita with interest. Category five,
projected landfall somewhere along the Texas coast between Corpus Christi
and Galveston. Our property is on a barrier island, a sandbar, outside
Corpus Christi. Our island has a job, to protect Corpus Christi from
hurricanes. It does that by taking the first hit, absorbing some of the
force, sapping some of the hurricane's strength before it hits the mainland.

It looks like the island, Mustang Island, has been there a long time, but on
a geologic scale, it probably shifts like sand with the winds and tides.
Like, say, a sandbar. Don't know yet where the hurricane will come ashore.
Corpus Christi to Galveston.

We don't have a lot at risk compared to most, just a cement slab and some
landscaping. Maybe it will all flood then dry out fine. Maybe the
landscaping will wash away. Maybe the cement pad will wash away. Maybe the
whole island relocates. Whatever, we don't have a lot at risk compared to

We watch the progress of Hurricane Rita with interest. We watch from high
and dry in New Mexico.