Thursday, December 2, 2004

Dakota Ridge

We did it! We figured out the water. The freezing.

It froze the first night at three degrees. The next day, Judy stuffed
insulation around the hoses leading out of the utility cabinet. The water
froze the next night. Judy bought a drop light, plugged it in, and hung it
in the utility cabinet all night, turned toward the exposed water lines to
keep them warm. It froze again. We put a remote temperature sensor in the
utility cabinet. It never got below fifty degrees.

Last night we were sitting in the living room, watching the temperature
plummet. It was down to ten degrees. The water quit working. Now, every
time this happens, we can still get water out of our freshwater tank with
the pump. We just can't get the outside water. I went out and messed with
the outside faucet. I found a button to push. The heater taped to the
all-weather faucet needed to be reset. It was never a freezing problem in
the motorhome! The water provided by the RV Park was freezing. It was
freezing before it got to us.

The water came back on within an hour. The low got down to four degrees.
This morning, the water worked. It worked! Problem solved!

Life on the road.