Tuesday, November 7, 2006


While we were in the Louisville area, we stopped by the storage shed. It takes a code to open the automatic gate to get in where the sheds are, and you have to put the code in again to get out, so they can track every visitor. It’s a secure area. That makes sense. The system almost always works, but when it doesn’t, you have to get their attention in the office to override the system and let you in (or out). We were inside the office having a visit, and looking through the window into the shed yard, noticed someone in their car, stuck at the keypad entering their codes over and over in an attempt to get out. We pointed this out to the attendant we were talking with and she said: “I know. They’ll give up and come inside soon. If you’re late paying your shed rent, your access code still lets you in, but it is disabled for your exit.” How devious is that? You can get in, but you can’t get back out. You have to come inside and face the music. How good is that?!!!

Sometimes, as an auditor, I have to be resourceful. Sometimes, I ask questions about one thing that are really designed to gather information about something else. But nothing like this. This is masterful. This is truly devious.