Friday, March 21, 2025

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher






Or preening.


Or maybe just showing off.


A spectacular bird, dashing out to snatch a bug and returning to its perch, it can be seen in the south-central U.S. down through Central America.



Thursday, March 20, 2025

Sugar Cane



The entire sugar cane industry in the valley closed down this year.  The growers couldn’t get enough water commitments, so they couldn’t afford to plant, which made it unprofitable for the Sugar House processing plant to stay open, so it shut down.  Now that the processing plant is down, there’s no point in planting cane even if more water does become available.  There is no place to process the product!  No more black clouds on the horizon from cane fields burning prior to harvesting.  No more black snow at our house from drifting ash put out by the burning fields.  The end of an era.




Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Can you spot the Cactus Wren in this picture?




He wanted to check me out.


But he didn’t want to get too exposed.


His call sounds like a car that won’t start.  Easily recognized.


Not uncommon in Southwestern deserts.  And right at home in this habitat as well.  There were prickly pear cactus right below him.


Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Keeping Time



Time has been kept locally for thousands of years, as long as we have been keeping track of time, from the days of shadows and sundials.  When the sun is at its highest point, call it noon.  When portable timekeeping came into play, in maybe the 1500s, when traveling, those portable clocks had to be reset for local time at every location.  That wasn’t much of a problem until the late 1800s; that’s when trains came into popular usage.  Every location keeping track of its own time didn’t really work for train schedules, so time zones were instituted.  Divide the globe into 24 roughly equal one-hour slices and there we have it.  At the sun’s highest point in the sky, in the middle of each zone, it will be noon (roughly).  East and west of center, in every time zone, noontime won’t correlate exactly with the clock, it will be plus or minus a rounding error.  Close enough.



Monday, March 17, 2025

Remember the citrus grove?



An entire newly planted orchard back in 2022.  Each tree encased in a bag to protect it from pests and extreme weather.  Not Ruby Red grapefruit, but Rio Red.  A South Texas specialty, even sweeter than Ruby Red.


The early protection paid off.  Here is how it looks now.


Thousands of trees, and super healthy.



Sunday, March 16, 2025

La Sal del Rey



(The King’s salt.)


The lake was very white today.  It’s an evaporative lake.  It has been very dry here lately.  Several intermittent inlets.  No outlet.  It sits on top of a giant salt dome.  Hypersaline at least.  Solid salt on occasions like this.




I like how water blows into the animal tracks along the shore, then evaporates to white.


Deer, nilgai (deerlike exotics), javelina, wild boar.



This is breeding territory for snowy plovers.


They nest in the sand along the shore.  No closeups today.  A couple very distant shots with a long lens.  Don’t want to disturb them.



This is the plover crouched down in a sandy depression.  It might be the nest, it might be diversionary behavior.  We’ll let that question remain unanswered.



And a raccoon track in the center of this frame.


They have hands on their feet.


Saturday, March 15, 2025

We crossed the border



It wasn’t the same.  It has always been so easy, so friendly, but crossing on the weekend was different.  It was militarized.  We walked across the bridge from the U.S. like we normally do, no problem.  But there was a long pedestrian line to get past a point in Mexico we always just cruise through.  Package scanners.  Body scans.  Cars next to us in the vehicle lane being held up and searched.  Town was normal after that.


To get back to the U.S. there was a vehicle line that is not normally there.  Usually, cars drive right out of Mexico to the U.S. checkpoint.  That’s a careful examination there.  Suspicious cars get pulled over for a more intensive search.  This time cars were being stopped on the Mexican side of the bridge, drivers removed, while each car got a cavity search.  Surviving that, each car got to proceed on to the U.S. process that they were going to get anyway.  The traffic backup in Mexico went all the way through town.  The line barely moved.  There was a pedestrian hold up on the Mexico side of the bridge too.  Never figured out what that was about, but then they let us through.  The last part of the crossing at U.S. security included an extra scanning.


Why the change?  The Mexican government committed to an additional 10,000 troops at the border, and they are making their presence felt.  Maybe our little crossing at Progresso is now intercepting more drugs headed for the U.S. and more U.S. weapons headed for Mexico, both serious problems.  Couldn’t tell any difference from our vantage point.  What we could tell though is, it’s certainly different now.