Saturday, June 16, 2018

The torture device



It looks innocent enough, right?  And it is, if you’re in normal health.


This machine tests lung capacity; not by blowing on it, but by drawing on it.  In a long slow breath, you draw as much air in as you can.  Your progress measures with a float in the tube on the left.  I’ve messed with these before and in normal health I can peg it at 4,000 cc’s, no problem.  Not so now.  Now I’m lucky to get to 2,000 cc’s before erupting in a coughing fit.


This is pure evil designed to cause coughing and pain.  The doctor says I can’t let up.  I have to breathe through this several times a day until it doesn’t hurt to do it any more.  Stretching lung capacity after surgery and anesthesia is highly recommended.  I’d like it more if I got to wait until my ribs and sternum were healed, but no.  They say no problem, do it now, just hug the pillow and cough as much as you can.


Almost two weeks into my recovery, I can feel the progress.  I breathe better and deeper than I did a week ago, but it’s still not fun yet.


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