Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Uncle Doug


My cousin, not really my Uncle, only three years my senior, he’s been Uncle Doug since teenage years.  I think he started it by calling me Uncle Steve.


He stayed with us for a while in Colorado when the kids were little.  He taught us to play Farkle with dice.  I believe there was a card game called “Bullshit” as well.  The kids called him Uncle Doug too.  J


He had had some heart trouble a few years ago, and now it was time for his heart to give out the rest of the way.  For all of the people we have known who have passed on, this time wasn’t the same.  What made this death different was the surprising contribution of social media.  Knowing he was almost out of time, his sister Teri and cousin Suzanne by his side, but not enough energy to sustain visits or conversations, Doug could still read texts and Facebook posts.


As much as I dislike funerals; all of us testifying how much we loved them once they’re dead, I liked what happened for Doug.  He was not in pain, and could spend his last few days receiving well wishes and reminiscences from friends and family, near and far.  Distance was not a constraint; we all got to share that time with him in a way.  He got a warm loving goodbye from all his friends and family.



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