Tuesday, February 2, 2016

I'm feeling the Bern


Flaming liberal that I am, I can’t resist Bernie Sanders.


I don’t want Hillary to lose.  I like her.  I think it’s her time.  It’s our time for a woman president.  I have liked the recent democratic administrations better than republican ones; they seem more human.  But republican or democrat, it still feels like the candidates are all owned by big money.


In the current campaign, every candidate is beholden to big money, including Trump (his own money).  Everyone except Bernie.  If we’re worried about being ruled by an oligarchy (I am), that rigs the electoral system and the economy for their own benefit, there is one candidate who is truly supported by the people, and only beholden to them, with no big donor Super PAC.  Bernie.


I think Obama might have been the first to benefit from large scale small internet contributions.  Bernie appears to have perfected it.  He is matching the traditional political funding without participating in it.  If someone really can succeed in politics by appealing to citizens rather than big donors, then I want to encourage it.


I can vote for stability, the establishment, electability, and vote for Hillary; a conservative democratic choice.  Or I can vote for the passion of the people.  If Bernie’s flame fizzles out after the first few states, and I have to vote for Hillary in the general election, I can do that no problem, but in the meantime, when it’s our chance to vote in Texas, I’m voting for Bernie.  Power to the people!


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