Tuesday, June 1, 2004



We see this stopover in Louisville as just that: a stopover. The trip goes

We did settle back into the house a little bit, though. We even spent the
night in it last night.

We didn't have anything at home that needed immediate attention on our
return. Our neighbor Bob did such a good job with the house and yard; we
could come home and just relax. And open the dining room windows. They
haven't opened in thirty years. No telling how long they had been painted
shut before that.

I didn't get what I expected on this trip. Judy didn't get what she
expected. She expected more leisure time, more days to fill. It turned out
to be a very busy trip for her. I thought we would have some breaks between
jobs, a more leisurely schedule, more time for contemplation, but it turned
out we needed every day for the jobs we scheduled. It was a busy trip for
me as well. I'll hope for a little more scheduling cushion next trip.
Actually, I think if we schedule the same, the fact that they're repeat jobs
will help a lot.

It surprised me that we had to restate prior auditors work as much as we
did. Normally, even if you would have done something differently, you can
use the prior auditor's work as a starting point and just move forward. I
like it better that way.