Saturday, July 21, 2018

Friday was a big deal for us


It was our last invasive procedure for both the heart bypass and kidney stone.


We went to the surgery center and the urologist took the stent out.  The stent is a flexible foot-long swizzle stick with pig-tail coils on each end; one in the kidney and one in the bladder.  It’s supposed to be inconspicuous, but my body has been constantly aware of it and trying to reject it for the last month.


The urologist says most people just get the stent out in the office; it’s no big deal.  They just stick a piece of medical equipment in that hole that leads to your bladder, grab the south end of the stent, and pull it back out.  That’s what the last urologist said too, but he didn’t think to strap me down before he started.  The process went much more smoothly this time with me totally unconscious.  The relief from getting the stent out was immediate.


We’re very happy with this urologist.  He is the first one who has shown any interest in continuing past treating the symptoms and determining the cause for my kidney stones.  We’re going to hang around for as long as it takes to finish up the follow-through.


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