Saturday, June 2, 2018

It seems a strange thing


That I need so much surgery, then they tell us to go home and have a nice weekend, but take it easy, watch for warning signs, and don’t hesitate to dial 911.  That’s relaxing!  Oh well.


They left me awake for the cath procedure.  I felt the wire or whatever it is they put in through my wrist go right up through my arm.  I talked to the doctor while he was poking around in my heart.  He described the arteries as a “mess”, and told me right then there wasn’t enough he could do with stents to restore adequate flow.  Later, he told me the reason I am still doing as well as I am is that my heart has grown collateral arteries to make up for the natural ones that aren’t working as well as they should.  That got me to thinking that if I can do that well on the treadmill without proper function in my heart; and the surgeon is going to put in five new arteries to bypass all the old ones that aren’t working adequately anymore; the combination of the collateral arteries I’ve already grown, plus the five new ones he’s going to stitch on to me, I should practically end up with super powers!  I’ll report back on how that works out.


Today we got the bus zipped up and moved to a storage lot.  We had to do it today because they’re not open on Sundays and I’ll be busy on Monday.  It’ll be six weeks after the surgery before the doctor will release me to drive again, so we need a residential solution in the meantime that doesn’t involve moving the RV.  We’ve worked through some options, but haven’t settled on anything yet.  No need for an immediate solution; we’ll both stay in the hospital until I get released.


Judy might cover trip reports for me for a couple days, so we won’t be totally out of touch.  Feel free to email or call her.  303-666-6018.


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