Wednesday, July 12, 2017



Driving down a dirt road, watching for bear, moose, lynx, a great gray owl, or grouse; Henry with his head out the window helping; a deer by the side of the road spotted us.  We stopped the car.  The deer and henry locked onto each other.  The deer was curious and approached.  Henry was mesmerized and never twitched.  He was one with the deer.  Henry found his Bambi.  Bambi found his Thumper.  The deer never got close enough to touch, but looked from several different angles.  In time, the deer broke the spell by bounding away, but they had a moment, Thumper and his Bambi.


We’re in Saskatchewan.


2017 summer trip map


1 comment:

  1. Covering a lot of ground. Pictures of Bambi and Thumper?
