Monday, August 17, 2015

Why I love Donald Trump


He is totally busting every candidate for how campaigns are financed now; by billionaires.  Trump is the only one willing to point that out and make the candidates answer the charge.  Answer the question we all know is there but no-one wants to talk about.


Every major candidate has a billionaire.  Having money doesn’t guarantee getting elected, but you can’t get elected without money.  What is a candidate’s first priority?  Getting elected.  Once they get elected, what is their most immediate next priority?  Getting reelected.  What do they have to do to get elected or reelected?  Please their billionaire. 

So, really, when we elect a candidate, we’re actually just picking which billionaire’s interests get served.


That sucks, and Trump says so.  It’s not right.  Trump doesn’t need a billionaire so we should elect him; except he does have a billionaire.  He’s his own billionaire; he just cut out the middleman.  If Trump gets elected, we’ll get what Trump wants.


If Trump does get elected, he’ll probably plunge the United States, and maybe the entire world, into chaos trying to keep up with his disconnected ramblings.  If, in the process of not getting elected, he can trash the billionaire model of political elections; make it a liability to be sponsored by a billionaire, he’ll have done the country a great service.



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