Tuesday, July 14, 2015

I've been thinking


Some people/cultures perform genital mutilation on young girls, knowing the discomfort that will cause them for the rest of their lives.  We here in the U.S. generally think such a thing is abhorrent.


Yet we circumcise our young boys without even thinking about it.  Why would we do that?  Is it medically necessary?  I don’t think so.  Because we’ve always done it that way?  Not so, especially in cultures other than our own in the U.S.  So our son won’t feel different?  It never mattered to me as a kid.  That argument might be overrated.  Because it has religious significance?  How do we feel about that argument in favor of mutilating young girls?


The consequences for boys aren’t severe like with girls but still, why cut out and discard parts for no reason?  Why do we modify genitals that will work just fine if left alone?


I just don’t get it.



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