Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Gun Violence


The United States has 10 deaths per 100,000 people per year attributable to gun violence.




It’s in the news every day.  It seems to have a lot to do with schools right now.


Australia has 1 death per 100,000.

Canada has 2.

France has 3.

Germany has 1.

Japan has 0.06.

New Zealand has 1.

Spain has 0.6.

Sweden 1.

Switzerland 3.8.

United Kingdom 0.25.


Mexico has 11.  We consider Mexico an unsafe country to visit.  Our government posts travel advisories against it.  The Cartels have gone wild and control entire regions of the country with bloody violence.  We have the equivalent level of violence in our country *without* the Cartels.  We’ve achieved third-world status all on our own.


One might think a rising level of gun violence could motivate us to look for ways to reduce that violence; that our violence could reach an unacceptable critical mass and trigger national outrage and action.  So far, not so.  Is there a level that could trigger that response?  Will we be okay with 20 per year?  30?  Swaziland has 37.  Venezuela has 50.  Maybe if we claimed the lead from Venezuela.  I wonder if in Venezuela they think 50 is too much.


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