Sunday, June 1, 2014

Car radios


You’re driving along listening to the news.  They promo a story that is coming on “right after these commercial messages”.  You want to hear the next story.  You have a choice.  You can listen to mind-numbing commercials repeat toll-free numbers over and over until the program returns with your story, or you can mute the radio and hope you remember to turn the sound back up in time.  Muting the radio is not like muting the television; there are no visual clues to remind you to turn the volume back up.


Well, we’re not limited to these two choices anymore!  We have a third option.  The new car radio has a pause button like a television DVR.  You can pause, drive along in silence for five minutes, then hit play, jump forward through the commercials, and listen to the story.


An excellent solution to such a problem plaguing mankind!



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