Sunday, March 9, 2014

Becky and Brian are such mean parents


They wouldn’t let their son Tony sign up for 20 credits this semester.  One must apply for special permission (and pay more money) to take more than 17 credits.  Tony pleaded his case to no avail.  His parents held firm.


He did find a way around the rule, however.  In addition to the classes he’s signed up for: Calculus, Latin, Ethics, etc., he got permission to audit the Macroeconomics class he also wants.  He won’t get any credit for it, but he can attend class and get to learn all it has to offer.



But Becky and Brian don’t totally suck as parents.  Public school tried to teach Teigan algebra but she didn’t like it.  Now that Becky is homeschooling Teigan and Conner, and as a homeschooler she is not responsible for a class of 30, she could spend the time to research teaching options.  It turns out there are ways to get around specific subject resistance.  Just combine it with something else; something the student finds more interesting!


Becky found a combination biology and pre-algebra book called Life of Fred that is currently making Teigan’s studies a lot more fun.  It’s a charming approach.  I’ve attached a sample of it.



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