Wednesday, November 6, 2013



We heard about a Fork-tailed Flycatcher in the area.  That’s a South American bird that sometimes wanders way far north.  This time he wandered so far north he crossed the Rio Grande.  That doesn’t happen very often; and not so often that we’ve ever seen him before.


A 70 mile drive to get east of Brownsville, an hour of scouring, and we found him.  He had been reported in the same area for several days in a row.  Lucky for us there were other people looking and we ultimately found him by spotting a gathering of the other bird hunters.  By the time we got there, they already had him in the scope.


Here he is in a field of prickly pear on the mudflats near the mouth of the Rio Grande.  (In the center of the photo.)  He was hanging out with Scissor-tailed Flycatchers.  There is one in the background to the left.


He doesn’t really show up very well, but we got a good enough look to identify him for sure.  Black cap.  Forked tail.  (His wings are extended.)


These photos are compliments of John, a nice guy from the U.K. who was kind enough to share his photos with me when I discovered that I had left the battery for my camera in the charger at home.  Thank you John.



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