Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sometimes we drive on two-lanes


No matter what vehicle we’re driving, or what speed we are going, there is always someone who wants to go faster.  When we’re driving the Jeep it is relatively easy for someone to go around, and I am always happy to let them by.  If nothing else, I’d rather they speed off to annoy someone else than ride my bumper.  In the motorhome, I don’t usually drive faster than 65mph, so we’re caught from behind more often than we are in the Jeep.  We’re a lot longer going down the highway in the motorhome, 60 feet altogether, including the tow-car.  That’s a lot more for a passing car to get by than the 15 feet of the Jeep.  So I help when I can.  I slide to the right a little when it’s clear, so they can see that it is.  I blink my running lights, but not everyone seems tuned in to that universal signal.  You can’t really blame people for being hesitant to pass.  We’re a lot to take on all at once, and besides, you never know what kind of attitude you’re encountering behind the wheel of the other vehicle.  That person may be in an unfriendly unhelpful mood.


I find myself wishing I had a sign on the back of the coach I could flash that said “Go ahead and pass.  I’ll help”.



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