Sunday, March 15, 2009



A drive to the Valley for a visit with Tom and Kathy today.  Yesterday when Judy told Annie we were going to go see Uncle Tom, Annie ran up on the dash of the motorhome and looked out the left side of the windshield to where Tom and Kathy’s motorhome was parked last time they were here.  I think Annie remembers them well.  Annie about turned inside out wiggling hello to them when we arrived there, too.


Nice cloudy weather for the drive.  Showers off and on.  Warmer rain today.  The temperature was back up to the sixties.  Hawks, caracaras, and vultures all along the way to keep us occupied.


We got a tour of their RV park in Mercedes.  The park is huge, but it’s divided up into neighborhoods.  Nicely laid out.  Lots of facilities.  A casita on the lot they bought.  Room to expand with more concrete or pavers.  Room to mess with the layout or landscaping if they want.  Lots of possibilities.  Looks like a great choice for them.


While we had light rain off and on today, we missed the giant thunderstorm at Gulf Waters.  We weren’t here to pull in the bedroom slide that leaks during severe storms.  Wet carpet in the bedroom for us to dry out.  No problem.  We’ve done that before.


Bigger problem for others.  We learned tonight that one of the owners here was killed by a lightning strike.