Monday, March 9, 2009



Paid a visit to the walk-in clinic today.  I scraped my leg just above the ankle a few days ago (Trikke accident.  Caught an edge).  The body is programmed to fight off infection, but in this case the body appears to be losing.  The ankle is getting noticeably fuller.  (No wrinkles.  Now it looks younger than the rest of me.)  The assistant who checked me in at the clinic was nice enough, until she decided to describe that portion of my leg as a Cankle (calf/ankle).


At any rate, the Cankle is now turning truly vibrant colors, and threatening to expand its influence to other parts of the body.  We’re going to put an antibiotic ointment on it and see if that helps.  I’m otherwise happy with the balance of bugs in my body, so I declined to take the general antibiotic.  The doctor gave be a prescription for it just in case the infection starts spreading seriously north.


Now I have a nice looking gauze wrap around my ankle that provides absolutely no clue to what is going on beneath it, so I’m telling everyone it’s a rattlesnake bite.