Friday, September 12, 2008


The impending storm draws surfers to Port Aransas. Today they were off the Horace Caldwell Pier. Hurricane driven swells are pushed to shore. The rising wind improves the shape of the breakers. As some people evacuate to safety, others flock to the opportunity. Tonight, they probably aren’t surfing any more.

Tonight’s the night. After a week of watching, the hurricane finally makes landfall. Don’t get to see what it really looks like until daylight tomorrow. The hurricane won’t hit our property at Port Aransas, but it looks like we might get a 20 foot storm surge there, with high waves on top of that. Don’t know that the sand dunes could hold that back. We’re supposed to head back to Gulf Waters in two weeks. We’ll have to wait a couple days to find out if we still have a place to go there.