Monday, June 30, 2008

Grandparent's revenge

Remember how you were sick all the time when you had little kids? It happens when they get to school age. Those rotten little buggers go hang around a bunch of other unsanitary rotten little buggers who are sick and they bring every virus on the planet home to you! You can’t help but get sick all the time.

We, Judy and I, are so far beyond that. We hang out with a bunch of responsible adults all winter. We can go so long without getting sick that we forget when the last time was. So, after not being sick for years, we show up to visit the grandkids; watching for signs of sickness. None. We’re in the clear.

Then, from out of nowhere, both Judy and I get sick. Head cold. Fever. Sore throat. Cough. Exploding sinuses. Totally charming. Know what? Not a sick kid to be found. No-one to blame it one. Have to figure out another angle, and here it is. Grandparent’s revenge. We’re going to be the rotten buggers and leave our germs all over both our kids houses. We’ll be long gone and totally well while they struggle through what we’ve done to them before they could do it to us.

If it really were Grandparent’s Revenge that’s how it would be. The problem with that theory though, is that no-one else is sick. I am slowly getting better. Judy is slowly getting worse. We took her to a clinic today and asked if they could please either cure her or shoot her. Her cold appears to have degenerated into a sinus infection and bronchitis, something they can treat, so they chose to start with drugs instead of the gun. We’re still open to either option though.